Electric Vehicles for Fleet

Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

Stratstone offers a vast range of electric vehicles from renowned brands and are proud to have a number of our dealerships receive Electric Vehicle Approved (EVA) accreditation. Backed by the UK Government’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the Energy Saving Trust (EST), EVA accreditation is only approved after sites have been carefully inspected and audited. Assessments cover all areas of customer care, including staff knowledge, technician expertise, charge point availability and overall business standards.

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EV for Fleet

As a fleet manager, you need to decide if alternative fuel vehicles fit into your company’s fleet policy, management processes and budgets; establish if there are cost savings and other benefits in the day to day running of your fleet; and going forward, be convinced it makes sound business sense.

Initially plug-in electric vehicles may appear to be a more expensive option. But factor in generous BIK tax advantages for your company car drivers, reduced Class 1A National Insurance Contributions and reduced TCO - plus a host of other potential savings and you could find that financially, EVs are a more attractive proposition than you might have thought.

Generous BIK tax advantages for company car drivers mean potential business savings from reduced national insurance contributions. Other savings could also be realised from charging costs as well as potential exemption from congestion zone charges.

As well as the potential financial savings, there are also other benefits of switching to electric to consider:

With fewer moving parts, servicing, maintenance and repairs may be cheaper, less frequent and easier to manage meaning less downtime for your drivers.

Many large cities outside of London are planning their own congestion or exclusion zones where EVs could benefit from further exemptions and discounts.

Electric vehicles have instant torque, which means the car’s power is at your fingertips. Once you hit the accelerator, you are given an instant response of power from the car; a reaction that’s not guaranteed from a traditional combustion engine.

Our team of EV experts are here to help and support you in your search for an electric vehicle by providing information and answering any questions you may have.

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